Máquinas obsolescentes (Post Kaput) / Breathe With Cube y Banana Glove Game (Lyra Hill)
ID 48
06 / 04 / 2017
Cine club 16
Máquinas obsolescentes (Post Kaput) / Breathe With Cube y Banana Glove Game (Lyra Hill)
Post Kaput (México) / Lyra Hill (USA)
Ciudad de México
8mm, 16mm, 35mm,3D, proyección, performance, proyector de diapositivas, VHS, Hi8, fonógrafo, video
Presentación en el CINECLUB16 / Espectro Electromagnético una serie de películas y performances. LYRA HILL (EUA) : 1.BREATHE WHITE CUBE, 2016, 12 minutes, color, silent, 3D 16mm film and live performance: Breathe With Cube is an optical illusion in anaglyphic 3D, and a comedy trance designed to prepare an audience for immersion into the cinema space. 2. HOUSE FUCK, 2010, 6 minutes, color, sound, 16mm, House Fuck is a portrait of a very sexy apartment. 3.THE MYSTIC, 2010, 8 minutes, color, sound, 16mm, The Mystic is a psychedelic attempt to see past the surface of oneself. This film involves intense flicker and was made using in-camera techniques including bi-packing, sewn film, matting and multiple exposures. 4.BANANA GLOVE GAME, 2012, 15 minutes, color, triple 35mm slide projector performance: Banana Glove Game is based on a short comic about a small town sport gone wrong. Three slide projectors combine on screen to form each panel, using CMY color separation to mimic both paper print process and rudimentary animation. Accompanied by live narration and sound scape. POST KAPUT (MX): MÁQUINAS OBSOLESCENTES: improvisación visual y sonora con máquinas de 16mm, 8mm, Hi8, VHS y fonógrafo.
En exposición CAMILO SABOGAL (COL): NOTAS DE VIAJE- cianotipos / gomas bicromatada