

Miércoles 5 septiembre 2018: Presentación del Encuentro

Jueves 6 septiembre 2018: Estudios Churubusco

9h – 11h: Tour Churubusco
11h30: Alternative developing and hand made emulsion
13h30: Lunch
15h – 17h: Open Conversation: Innovation
17h30 a 19h: Open Conversation: Sustainability
19h30 a 21h: Screening Expanded Cinema
Party Time: Anarchivia Space at Foro 7 ½ [Estudios Churubusco]

Viernes 7 septiembre 2018: Estudios Churubusco

10 – 10h30: Coffee
10h30 – 14h30: Demonstrations / Workshops
14h30 – 16h: Screening
19h – 21h: Screening of Ruben Gámez’s Magueyes (1962)
Party Time: Cantina “La Faena” [Calle de Venustiano Carranza 49, Downtown/Centro]

Sábado 8 septiembre 2018: Cineteca Nacional

11h: Open Conversation / Market of books and supplies.
14h30: Comida
16h30: Manuel de Landa Screening, SALA 9
19h00: Do It Yourself: Screening with Works from the different labs related to the


Party Time: Laboratorio Experimental de Cine [5 de febrero 387, Colonia Obrera]

Domingo 9 septiembre 2018: La búsqueda del tesoro

10h: Meet at Churubusco. Camión/bus a Xochimilco
11h – 15h: Collective 16mm shooting, Meg Rorison’s CYANOTYPE workshop, and

boating around Xochimilco
15h – 18h: Film processing at LEC
19h: CLOSING Screening
